Who Am I?

I am...creative, fun, clever, sarcastic, smart, occasionally ignorant and blissfully unaware. I am a person of strong resolve and weak personal bubble. I love to speak my mind, and listen with all my being. I absorb most everything, and feel that everything is information.

I know, I feel, I hear, I listen, I sense, I understand, not everything, and not all at the same time.

Writer by trade, and Counselor by nature. I am attentive, and intuitive, both a gift and curse. I can be right, and hate to be wrong. I am the teddy bear, that will hold our secrets, and the blanket that will protect from fear.

I want change for the better, and always look for places to plant that seed. Most importantly and the bitter-sweet truth...I am Human...don't hold against me...just go with it.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Book Review: Betrayed.

It took me longer then normal to read this book. This could have been due to school, or the aggravating switch in style that is seen in this book. I may have missed this style in Marked, just because of the novelty of the series to me. However I don't think I did. Marked was decently written with a good story and characters that could be believable. Yet Betrayed veers into a wall of annoying.

The main character Zoey, seems to have changed to me. I started reading and she had a new since of arrogance and pride, despite her resolve to be self sacrificing. It was very jarring to read her new character. I couldn't get the thought "bitchy teen girl" out of my head, or loose that voice as she narrated in my head. I am aware that P.C. Cast co-wrote this book, yet it felt like P.C. wrote the book and then handed it to her daughter saying, "make it teen like".

The book is written in first person, which means that the narration is the stream of consciousness with very little editing. A new writing...technique, for want of a better word, is added in this book. Being first person she shouldn't have the need to interject thoughts in parentheses, with in the paragraphs. (It was really annoying). The language seemed to be affected here as well. In Marked, Zoey seemed to be pretty neutral in regards to female stereotypes. It was Erin and Shaunee, two of her cohorts, who were using the stereotypical teen girl language. Yet in these moments where the author, which ever one did it, interjected her thought into her...thoughts she took on that same voice. Using "Hello" out of the context of greeting someone. Hello, thats really dumb....

With that little rant aside the book takes a turn about three quarters of the way through. It seems PC went back to her old style here, and the book renewed itself in my eyes. I was done with the series after dealing with Zoey and her thought interjection, but the end was decent enough to make me want to at least pursue the continuation of the series. It easier since I already own them all. Thanks Mom! Haha

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