Who Am I?

I am...creative, fun, clever, sarcastic, smart, occasionally ignorant and blissfully unaware. I am a person of strong resolve and weak personal bubble. I love to speak my mind, and listen with all my being. I absorb most everything, and feel that everything is information.

I know, I feel, I hear, I listen, I sense, I understand, not everything, and not all at the same time.

Writer by trade, and Counselor by nature. I am attentive, and intuitive, both a gift and curse. I can be right, and hate to be wrong. I am the teddy bear, that will hold our secrets, and the blanket that will protect from fear.

I want change for the better, and always look for places to plant that seed. Most importantly and the bitter-sweet truth...I am Human...don't hold against me...just go with it.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Group Home Wisdom 1

To a young girl I work with, who is sixteen and has dealt with sexual issues, and eating disorders. She was telling me her story one day, upset because the progress she was making wasn’t being noticed by the people in power. I looked her straight in the face, and said “It matters, because you matter.”

Two Words.

You. Matter.

These two words rocked her world, and changed her tears into a smile. These are the two words that mean more then anything else anyone can ever say to you, or that you can ever say to anyone.

People focus on “I Love You” as being the most powerful phrase.

But it’s over used, and often doesn’t mean as much as people would like it to mean.

Having someone look at you and say “You Matter”, knowing that there is someone that thinks your are worth thinking about. That is how you make it through the day.

This is me saying it to you. You Matter.

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