Who Am I?

I am...creative, fun, clever, sarcastic, smart, occasionally ignorant and blissfully unaware. I am a person of strong resolve and weak personal bubble. I love to speak my mind, and listen with all my being. I absorb most everything, and feel that everything is information.

I know, I feel, I hear, I listen, I sense, I understand, not everything, and not all at the same time.

Writer by trade, and Counselor by nature. I am attentive, and intuitive, both a gift and curse. I can be right, and hate to be wrong. I am the teddy bear, that will hold our secrets, and the blanket that will protect from fear.

I want change for the better, and always look for places to plant that seed. Most importantly and the bitter-sweet truth...I am Human...don't hold against me...just go with it.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Book Review: The Goddess Test by Aimee Carter

Greek Mythology has remained one of my favorite themes for literature and stories, as far back as I can remember. Both the Alchemist and Percy Jackson series have done wonderful jobs of recreating the myths in today's times. God's Behaving Badly, takes the Greek Gods, and strips them of their power, in a worship based way. The Goddess Test is something that creates a newer and also interesting perspective of the figures.

I will start this book off by saying that I did not think I would like it, but ended up with a this-is-what-Twilight-should-have-been opinion. It was something like Twilight meets Beauty and the Beast.

That said, I really have very little wrong with it. About the only issue is that for the most part the plot is relatively transparent. Again with that said, there were still things that had me surprised and pleased.

I think my favorite part is the fact that the characters are convincing, and even better, they are consistent. Often in these not so popular books I see character who don't stick to their guns, or their consistent motives. The main character, Kate, holds tight to the idea that she is trying to save her mother, while also falling for the dark stranger. The other characters are interesting and distinctive, and the twists in and out of the story lead you to believe that Eden is for real and kinda makes you want to move there.

The only reason that this book did not earn Five Star in my eyes, is that while it was an extremely easy and pleasant read. It wasn't one of those wow factor books, there is very little action, but the story is enough.

You should read this.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Movie Review: Xmen - First Class

I really don't know how to review this. I never read much of the comics, I know most of the history I do thanks to WikiPedia and other website gurus. So when I went into the theaters I had nothing in which it could ruin. Unlike many other films based off things, I enjoyed this movie. I think that the history and the development of different connections and psychosis, was excellent.

I thought the casting was awesome, and that everyone played their roles pretty well. There were very few fluidity issues, and it could go seamlessly into that of original movies. With the exception that I was under the impression that Havoc was Cyclopes' younger brother. So there was an age thing that threw me off.

The new display of powers were really interesting, and bringing in the new and yet classic characters were awesome. Emma Frost for one, was spot on.

All in all a good movie.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Group Home Wisdom 1

To a young girl I work with, who is sixteen and has dealt with sexual issues, and eating disorders. She was telling me her story one day, upset because the progress she was making wasn’t being noticed by the people in power. I looked her straight in the face, and said “It matters, because you matter.”

Two Words.

You. Matter.

These two words rocked her world, and changed her tears into a smile. These are the two words that mean more then anything else anyone can ever say to you, or that you can ever say to anyone.

People focus on “I Love You” as being the most powerful phrase.

But it’s over used, and often doesn’t mean as much as people would like it to mean.

Having someone look at you and say “You Matter”, knowing that there is someone that thinks your are worth thinking about. That is how you make it through the day.

This is me saying it to you. You Matter.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Warlock by Michael Scott

Taking place in the modern world, among blue tooth, rock stars, and laptops, ancient wonders walk the world. Michael Scott introduced us to Sophie and Josh, who met Nicholas and Perenell Flamel in San Fracisco. This starts them on a journey that ignites their Gold and Silver Auras (of Legend!!!) and forces them to face off against many evil and deceptive characters. Their trust in the Flamels even begins to waver as we go through history in these novels.

One of my favorite aspects of this novel is the Magic system that Scott has created. Auras are no unique idea but seeing them roll off of each person and shape themselves into their spells, touched with a personalized scent, is a wonderful touch. Colored auras lend themselves to the uniqueness of each character, including Perenell whose own aura can shift colors from its clean white so that it protects her from connection to the spirit world. Sometimes I wonder what my smell would be, and I think it would be connected to the color of Aura that I would have. I am not sure what Color my aura would be but something calm and comforting, perhaps a sea green, and mixed with the smell of Rosemary...? I like it.

Me being the mythology buff that I am, I love the way he pulls any and every unsuspecting character into play. Elders, who are the Gods and Goddesses of Old, employ the use of Human Immortals who do their will on (or I should say in) the Earth Shadowrealm. You see characters such as Nicolas Flamel, but also Machiavelli, John Dee (who I may be one of the few who knew who he was before these novels = Nerd Points!) and even the likes of Virgina Dare and Billy The Kid.

The flow of the story is Atypical as well, blending the lines between good and evil. Scott, and all of his characters, very clearly state that some of the Elders are Dark Elders, and these are the ones that the "Bad" guys, like Dee and Machiavelli serve. However, there are those like the Flamels who serve no elders, and the people who are seemingly above or beyond other elders. Some characters are merely a mix of technology and Elder Aura....but yet they have more knowledge and power then the arrogant elders. The story is woven in a very non normal pattern but it forces the readers to give attention to both sides and not invest in who the author says is the good guys, which is very refreshing.

I can't say much more without breaching my NO SPOILERS rule, out of pure excitement. I don't want to wait for the Enchantress...but it is what it is.

Looking for a new series to read? Found one!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Movie Review: Pirates of the Caribbean 4

This movie was surprisingly refreshing. I was not disappointed with Pirates 2 and 3. I thought it fit into the fantasy/pirate motif nicely. I know a lot of people who didn't care for two and three. I think that four is a nice return to the original. It has all that you would expect, Jack's wit, fun sword fights, magical situations, and very beautiful people.

Will Turner and Elizabeth Swan, were not missed. Neither were there accents, which thinking back did get slightly annoying. I think the Cast of Characters was the most disappointing thing in this movie. There were only three original characters in this movie. I guess that has its good and its bad, but for the most part I just missed the Parler(Par-lay) guys.

Blackbeard make his appearance in this movie, which leads to many other questions from the franchise. Why was he not one of the Pirate Lords that sealed Calypso? Where the hell was he when facing the British...I feel like he could have one single handedly. Or maybe that was Captain Hook?

Jack isn't crazy! Which is cool. I didn't like his character in the third movie, it was slightly annoying that he was so insane. The Black Pearl...isn't in this movie...not really...which sucked. However Queen Anne's Revenge is bad ass.

Overall Worth Seeing if you Like Pirates 1. And you should see it even more if you liked all of them.

Book Review: The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo

This book has such a splendid review that I thought, surely it would be an easy read and would be somewhat insightful. At very least I assumed it would present me with a new take on God, and the wonders of spirituality.

This book was horrible.

I can not fathom why it has such rave reviews by so many people. I can honestly say that NO ONE suggested this book to me, but the my understanding of this book came from the media. This should have been my first clue.

As far as spirituality and God go, this book is incredibly Shallow. The course of the adventure the main character is presented with a wide variety of questionable omens. Majority of the book is about listening to the "Language/Soul of the world". Which is an idea that rings true to me, but the characterization and development that led to this idea were non existent. Morals and Points, were given to you. Bluntly. There was no thought involved, no deeper questioning needed. Santiago is faced with a tough decision, spend twenty pages fretting over it just to have another character tell you your wrong and this is why. Santiago changed his mind in that one paragraph...

Either I missed it or I couldn't tell how old this boy was, but he was INCREDIBLY arrogant, and it seemed to be encouraged by this deity/spiritualness. He felt that he had more experience, after one trip to the desert then that of a grown man who had lived three times the life of the boy. I did not like the main character.

The ending was Morally Questionable...thats all I'm going to say.

I know somethings get lost in translation, but the writing style was not the only thing that seems to have suffered.

Save yourself the couple of hours don't read this.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Book Review: The Lost Gate

Danny North is a powerless child in a family of Gods. Or so it would seem. These God's don't have as much power as they think they should, and Danny isn't nearly as powerful as they think.

Orson Scott Card is one of those prolific authors that I avoided for along time just because I sensed Mass Market Stereotypical Stories. However, at least with this book I was wrong. His portrayal of the Gods of old was quiet intriguing. Combining mythology and comic book explanations, Card creates and world where it worked.

He hinges everything upon this Rainbow bridge, the Bifrost, or as he calls them Gates. These gates act as invisible portals to a select group of those that can sense, create, open, close, and/or eat them. 1600 years ago, not-the-original-Loki, vanished taking with him all of the gates, and now gate mages, already feared as tricksters are all but banned. Most are killed when their powers develop. Yet Danny has gotten along well, because he didn't know and apparently most of his family is far enough removed from the idea that they never suspected it.

As Danny explores the world, he meets many very interesting characters each with a true psychology of their own. Those, who have powers, have personalities similar to the idea of their natural connection as well. The characters are very believable, and they are very true to their powers.

The Plot is calm and exciting enough to keep momentum as you breeze through the book. It is not one that has an EPIC climax where you are hinged at the edge of your seat for twenty five pages. This book is one long journey that has enough twists to keep you traveling easily, and pleased all the while.

All in all, it may not have been enough for me to explore Card any farther but I'll definitely finish this series.

You should pick it up!

Book Review: Jim Butcher Book 9 - White Night

I said I wasn't going to review another one of the Dreseden Files books, but...I Lied. This one topped my charts as my favorite. There were many good qualities, that all of them posses but brought this one together much better than any of the others.

One thing. Lasciel, I love you. Or I should say... Lash, I love you.

The White Court of Vampires comes into play very heavily in this book, and it brings forth Jim Butcher genius! I'm not sure how but he has a way of connecting every little detail and making it flawless.

Molly, Harry's apprentice, is coming along nicely, and it shows how Harry is growing as a Character at his ability to teach her and himself along the way. He learns new and innovative ways to use magic, because of their niche differences.

Read it.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Movie Review: Priest

I had my hopes set pretty low for this movie, mostly because I had absolutely no idea what this movie was about. I knew that it was an action thriller that was about vampires and vampire hunters. So I was okay with going to see it initially. Needless to say that I was thoroughly exhausted because of a recent event at church. So watching this I was very uninhibited and just went with the flow of the movie.

I want to start by saying that I had no idea that this was based off of a comic book...and when the movie went briefly comic, I was confused and just kinda ignored the situation. After researching a little bit about the original comic, I think I can safely say that the movie has absolutely nothing to do with it other then similar themes.

I don't remember any names, I'm not sure they used them. I'm not sure that this was a bad thing, I liked the non declarative nature that it represented. Karl Urban makes a great vampire.

The movie is mostly visually appealing. It isn't overly gory and the killing is creative. I loved the weapons that were used, especially the throwing stars. That said, I was really disappointed with the main guys main weapon...this decorative cross that held sentimental value. I expected him to hit a button and be wielding a blast of sun light, or at least some sort of awesome sword. However he unsheathed a three inch knife....effective but lame.

If my only complaint was the weapon, the movie is worth seeing. Just don't have expectations...of any type.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Book Review: The Innocent Mage by Karen Miller

I'm not sure where to begin. This book...was interesting. Most books I read are action driven books, being young adult or a magic slinging fantasy style, I'm not used to books driven almost entirely on character. It took me FOREVER to finish this book, and actually has me a little weary to read the sequel (and there are another pair after that). In six hundred and six pages, I expected quiet a bit from prophesy, and magic...

However. This is not what happened. Asher of Restharven is the youngest son (20 years old) of a lowly fisherman who splits all profits eight ways, proportionate to seniority. He does not like this, nor does he much care for his brothers. So he sets out and to the big city to make alot of money and return to buy a boat for just him and his father. Thats cool, good start. When he gets to the city, we encounter our first action! Huzzah. Saving the prince from a bucking stallion, and earning himself a much coveted job. From this point on and the next four hundred and fifty pages, the book is focused on the mundane fashion of Asher's life and the whispered hints of his destiny spoken by two other minor characters.

When this Prophesy was first mentioned, I was excited. It sets up a great premise, however it seems that it was abandoned in the first novel. Mentioned a lot, and always saying that part of it are coming true, but never actually connecting the dots. The event that I expected to happen based on the prophesy, didn't even happen to Asher, who is blatantly called the Innocent Mage. I now feel obligated to read the second book...eventually for the sake of my own curiosity.

Being a Character drive novel, the Characters are phenomenal! I loved each of there very distinctive personalities, and they do play off each other well. The characters and their non-western wit and lingo are worth the read by themselves I think.

As a friends said, everyone is established, so perhaps there is no need to go through another five hundred pages of mundane life to get a book that is action driven.

I am not sure where I stand on this book. The last 100-200 pages were very well written, it stands to question though...if you can fight through the first two thirds of the book...

Look into it, at very least.

Movie Review: Thor

This movie was made, purely for the visionary artist to say "Hey, Look what we can do!". 1 part star trek, 1 part star wars, and a whole lot of parts of geek orgasm. The movie was fantastic from a visual point of view. From a comic point of view, it was pretty good too. We can never expect perfection from Hollywood when it comes to comics, but it was a decent rendition and will probably receive better reviews then the likes of Hulk and or Spider Man trilogy.

I have not kept up with Thor as much as I have the others, but my knowledge of mythology allowed me to enjoy the story anyways. I know enough about the Marvel Thor to have enjoyed the references to various things.

I can generally blame the crap movies on giving major roles to really famous people. I.E. the Fantastic four being cast with Jessica Alba and Chris Evans. However I love Natalie Portman, and Anthony Hopkins. Fantastic casting I do believe. The story was good, up until it came time for him to have his life changing realization.

"I am Thor! I deserve it."
-Hammer doesn't budge-
-1 night of heavy drinking with guy who tells you to leave town-
"Oh...I'm human...I must be charismatically chivalrous now"

This life changing, climactic attitude adjustment...happens in about 5 minutes worth of movie. The rest of the movie is good, but I wish there were a little broader of a character arch. Other then that no complaints. Could be worse....

Palpatine: Come to the Dark Side....
Anikan Skywalker: No!
Palpatine: We has cookies...
Anikan: Okay.... :D -Eats cookies of evil....gets bad contacts-

My bad recreations aside this is kind of what happens. Thor is cool, a good movie with good characters. The story is true to the comics mostly, and should be accepted in the comic world with approval.

Go see it!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Book Review: Why do men have nipples?

I took a break from the high fantasy, for an hour and blew through this toilet side book. It is a humor book that explores many questions about the body. The title question is just one of about a hundred that they give you not only stellar wit, but a true medical answer when possible. One of the authors is actually a Doctor so it helps, and the other...well he's just funny.

There really isn't much to say about this book other then it is one that is worth keeping next to your toilet, as the authors admit themselves.

Go Read it!

Friday, May 6, 2011

High Fantasy v. Urban Fantasy

I think I am a very impatient reader. The book I am currently reading is High Fantasy, and I feel like it is taking me forever to get through it. I love reading, and I'm not a biased reader when it comes to Urban vs High. However I do think that High Fantasy is a disadvantage as the times become faster.

I guess first, you have to know the difference between Urban and High fantasy. High Fantasy is where the writer has created everything in the world, and it is uniquely named, run, and has a distinct existence separate from the world in which we know and live. This world may have its own laws, language, society, races, and even cosmos. Some high fantasy can even parallel our own world, but it has to be separate. I was shocked as I entered into reading this most recent novel, I had to struggle to remember what the last High Fantasy book was that I read. I know now that my absolute favorite author, Tamora Pierce, is a High Fantasy author. Usually, I do avoid the genre.

Urban Fantasy is that which the characters interact in this world, the one where we know. This has many faces, shapes and forms in which to play. Just because this world has rules, doesn't mean that an Urban Fantasy author can't manipulate or even break them. Urban Fantasy, like Jim Butcher, takes place in the heart of a city, or on the side of a mountain that we all know. You can have Historical Urban which takes history and adds a new perspective to what "actually" happened. Most Urban Fantasy allows for the ignorance of those who don't know magic exists thus preserving the plausibility factor. Novels like Percy Jackson, and The Alchemist (Michael Scott) even claim some of the most famous people in the world as their own.

There is a weird subsection, I suppose, that mingles the two. Harry Potter for instance has all the characteristics of both, right? They have their own world parallel to this one, and yet live fully on our planet, in our world. You could make arguments that this is just a subsection of Urban Fantasy, but this Urban-High takes new levels in their novels.

My argument that High Fantasy is at a disadvantage, is that fact that it takes so bloody long to create an accurate picture of the world, characters, magic, laws, etc...that some readers maybe bored with the novel before they even get started. I think this is my problem, I am toughing it out and reading this novel in hopes that I won't regret it. That said, Character development cannot be sacrificed in High Fantasy, for the sake of world development. Also it could be said that Character Development can't be taken for granted in a world that we already know.

Okay...soap box over.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Book Review: Bait by Alex Sanchez

Secrets, pain, struggle, violence, abuse, fear, chaos. Life is full of all of those things, and most of the time we struggle to keep the balance for ourselves. But what happens when someone else makes a move in our lives that throws off our balance with out giving us a choice. Diego fights a dangerous battle in his own mind, and in his life. After being incited by a look across the lunch room by someone he assumed to be gay, he finds himself sitting in a court room being assigned a Probation Officer.

I found this book by chance, again browsing books that I wouldn't normally read. Yet I enjoyed it and it was a quick read. My profession being what it is, working in a group home with kids just like Diego, this book spoke to me. We all have secrets and sometimes they are more painful then we'd like to admit. Mr. Vidas, his PO, acts like a counselor as he tries to guide Diego through his past.

Full of imagery, and technique this book allows the reader to both glimpse a world of pain and help. Counselors have stigmatic appearance in the psychological world, with book lined walls, and a tidy super clean appearance. Mr. Vidas fails to meet this expectation but it helps create a person that believe even Santa would have no problem discussing his issues with. Diego begins on a roller coaster of emotions, and over the following months begins to work through his issues.

I hope to be Mr. Vidas one day, together with his Smiley Face Emotion Chart conquering adolescent suffering one case at a time. For anyone who cares about kids, has kids, and thinks of themselves as someone who could help, this book is for you.

Go Read It!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Movie Review: Scream 4

Psychopathy can be defined as having an overwhelming lack of empathy while masking it with an outwardly normal facade. Scream 4, and the entire series for that matter, excels at portraying characters with this issue. Which is why I love them. Movies are a cathartic experience, we have all had this feeling, that stabbing or killing is okay when we are watching it. Its why movies are what they are, and it why we go to them.

Scream 4 continues in the tradition of its predecessors, by taking a group of people and turning it on itself. You have many suspects that present themselves, but you never know who it is. The person is always just out of reach, justifications for and against each character begin to develop. It is a psychological thriller in every since of the word, and this is why I jive well with it. I like how it keeps me guess, convincing me that I'm close to the answer, and then killing my guess...sometimes literally.

This movie focuses on Sydney returning to her home town of Woodsboro, where the first movie took place, and the setting of the in movie movies. It is a great reminiscing setting for those who have loved the original movie. You get to return to the high school, where they have memorialized the former principal (Henry Winkler) and explore the police department, where Dewey is now Sheriff. As in many series, I was sad at the lack of connection to the past. Past characters, essential to Sydney's life are never mentioned, not really.

Patrick Dempsey...Where'd you go?

The kills are more interesting, the story line unique. Scream is fantastic, and Craven has dedicated himself to the story. Saying something to the effect of..."if I can't top the previous ones with out repeating them then I won't make them."

Wes Craven/Scream fans will appreciate this movie for what is and enjoy the witty genre bashing horror flick that it is.

Go watch it!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Book Review: Sweep

This is a series, about magic and high school. As is a theme in my book reviews, growing up is hard. Throw in to that, any kind of identity confusion and you have a good ole Suck-Fest. Cate Tiernan manipulates are already interesting world, into an even more interesting fantasy trip. I find myself wishing that I was born with the blood of a Witch. It makes me sad that I am not.

Morgan has discovered that she is a Blood Witch, a true witch from a long line of witches with fantastic powers and the ability to craft spells in accordance with nature and the world around them. (Think that I like magic?) She is developing her powers fast and learning what it means to be truly wiccan. Among all of this is the bombshell that she was adopted.

I am only in the Third Book, but I feel it will be a steady appearance on my "To Read" list. There are 15 books and I currently own them all. I am convinced that the story is worthy of your attention because of its personable style. The character is a teenage girl, 16-17. Very unlike her peers from other series (Zoey from House of Night) she is believable! She is taking this in stride, but I think the magical whispers and witch fire she threw at a boy trying to rape her sister, are good sobering confirmations.

Where ever you find yourself in life, you will enjoy this series. If you like Magic then it is a must read for you. Read one, and if you don't get hooked then no harm no fowl right?!

Go Read it!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Book Review: Where's My Wand? by Eric Poole

A self proclaimed autobiography this book is way out of my normal reading world. However pair together the key words of Development, Children, Magic, and Awesome and this is the book that you will find. Eric Poole recreates his childhood as he grew up and faced it in the late 60's and 70's. As a child of the 90's, born in '89, I only got references by association with my parents' reminiscing. Yet it is filled with wit, and humor that makes the book a quick and much enjoyed read.

The book actually starts with Eric being eight, and his obsession with Bewitched. A personal favorite of mine as well, he began to idolize Endora and her ability to flourish her flowing outfits and cause things to change the way she saw fit. He took this to heart and sets out to create his own magic that he hopes will be enough to smooth out the crazy that he deals with in his family.

This book faces MANY hot topics and gives a varied perspective on them. Religion, Family, Sexuality, Siblings, Friends, Bullies, Popularity...and pretty much any other -ism worthy topic in the past 30 years. He faces these things, Magic in hand, and creates a dependency/relationship with the power that he believes he has.

Being the good ole Baptist family that they are, as Eric ages he joins the Royal Ambassadors for Jesus....which the name alone blew me away. He feels that he has a perspective that many of his peers don't, because of his 'Magic', which he has stopped considering witchy magic, and now sees as the 'miracles of Jesus flowing through him'. He even goes as far as trying to exercise a demon from his friend who he believes is gay...which becomes far more ironic then is funny.

By the time the book draws closer to the end, Eric has lost his relationship with both Magic and God, and fights to reestablish one if not both. The ending is rapid, but fulfilling. Eric tells lots of stories, that leaves you desiring more of an explanation, more of a follow up. Yet with the ending that is presented you are comfortable in knowing that life comes with its ups and downs, and growing up is hard.

Go read it!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Book Review: Unwind by Neil Shusterman

As pay back for making my friend read a book that made her uncomfortable, she asked me to read Neal Shusterman's Unwind. The cover this book shows a question, "What if your parents could unwind you?" I went into this book expecting a completely uncomfortable situation, however it wasn't. Written in present tense its a little nerve racking, but nothing that doesn't go away after you are settled in.

The details are left ambiguous in the beginning of the book and that makes being with the characters so much better, because you are expected to know. You gain clearer details as the book continues, and soon you find yourself in a situation to fear being unwound yourself. The only part of the book I found uncomfortable, is that Shusterman presents 'unwinding' so clearly and easily that I found part of me thinking, "it's not a terrible idea". I quickly checked my thoughts, and let the logical side of myself kick back in....I was reading this at the group home I work in...it was my frame of mind -_- don't judge me.

The characters start off very powerful, Connor a street rat who has already been scheduled and marked as an Unwind, because he is a 'unruly child'. I found myself laughing in spite as he brought his mother flowers, and improved his grades, and started getting himself back on track after finding out that he was to be unwound by snooping. This was a painful blow to his parents...and he knew it. He later reconciles with himself and his parents, and I found myself dragged along with them.

Risa is a Ward of the state and she has very gifted skill for playing the piano, however not gifted enough. In this dystopian society, children are only guaranteed state/federal funding until they are thirteen...Risa has lasted to fifteen. They meet with her and tell her the usual propaganda about unwinding. "Your soul will be more at rest and ease in a divided state."

Lev...has the most unique story...because he is a tithe to god. Religion and Christianity being what they are embrace this new medical method with open arms. Families have taken to a new tradition of giving 1/10 of EVERYTHING, including their offspring. Lev's family had 10 kids through various methods, and their last...their "best"...their tenth was going to be unwound to serve gods will. I have no comments about this. -_-

The book creates a very dystopian society and Shusterman does it very well. It may or may not make you uncomfortable, but is definitely a painfully true book. Where it is not fact nor plausible, it rings true on a deeper level. Where we are all called to rise up against stupid, and fight for justice.

Go Read it! :D

Monday, April 4, 2011

Book Review: Tamora Pierce's Circle of Magic Series

Holy Hell, its been a long couple of weeks. School is tying up for the semester and that always means crunch time. While I wasn't doing a ton of reading, I was listening to a series that I consider to be my absolute favorite. Tamora Pierce, who has already been featured on my blog, creates a world in Emelan that captured my heart maybe three years ago. In the Circle of Magic universe, there are currently ten books. And they were ALL out when I found this series. Easy, quick reads, I blazed through the series, and loved every word of it.

Sandry, Tris, Daja, and Briar...are all brought together by tragic or nearly so circumstances. All of them have been told they don't have magic, and will make nothing of themselves because of their quirky personalities. Well guess what, someone somewhere thinks they have a chance, and gives them their support and they blossom into the most powerful Mages around. Take that world!

Tris, is probably my favorite, being a fellow bibliophile. She is a weather witch, with the major job of controlling herself. I love what these book teach, about the self, and friends. Family is what you make it. Tradition is over rated. Magic is, literally, in everything.

The series starts with quartet of them learning to control themselves and their powers, and then a second quartet where they are on their own adventures, taking on new students. A more recent book sees them coming back together and working on re friending each other while dealing with everything that they had to while separate.

Altogether, Tamora Pierce spins yet another fascinating world, and does it so with amazing skill. Find them...like two minutes ago.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Book Review: Jim Butcher's Dresden Files Book 6 and 7

Jim Butcher is an amazing author, I can truly say that I love his writing. His Harry Dresden series is a main feature on my TO READ list. It helps that there are like 13 of them. I found his series after most of the thirteen were already out, so I've been playing catch up. I have reviewed a couple of them already but I'm not sure I will continue to review them because, while they are great adventures, with the exception of the bad guys, the magic, and the featured characters, it will always be the same Review. Great Books!

Go pick them up...you will NOT regret it.

Movie Review: Paul

Let me start of by saying nine times out of ten I dislike Seth Rogen, and think he is overrated as a comedic actor. If you like his boring, curse word laden, comedic style then more power to you, he has plenty of movies that may suit your needs. Apparently the only time I can enjoy Seth Rogen is when he is voicing an animated character. (I.e. B.O.B from Monsters V. Aliens).

Paul starts with true geekdom! Two brit geeks, in every since of the word, come from england to go to ComicCon. A pair of Alien chasers who are going to explore all of the most famous Alien crash sites. My first thought after being dragged...and yes I was forced -.- My first thought was something along the lines of...Why am I watching this? My second...."Why is the 'black mailbox' white??" Everything was cool after that.

The alien appeared, Christians were made to look stupid (in a good way), sex jokes, sci fi references, and Cameos. Everything started adding up and the movie earned my respect and actually made me like it.

The SciFi References were awesome, and as a not so dedicated scifi fan I caught a lot of them and enjoyed it. The Cameos were cool, mostly because Jane Lynch appeared which made my night!!

All in all a worthy movie to go and see, especially if you can get in on a day where the theater has cheap or matinée tickets!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Movie Review: Beastly

A new spin on a very old classic. Beauty and the Beast is probably one of my favorite Disney movies, so naturally I was drawn to this movie. The new contemporary spin also made me hesitate, because Hollywood has a track record of destroying the things they try to make, remake, or make contemporary.

The cast was interesting, Alex Pettyfer, was a good choice for the vain beautiful guy. Vanessa Hudgins, as the beautiful side line girl who doesn't think beauty matters? Ehh, not a bad choice, she was a really believable character, and I guess it was ironic they pulled a Disney star to play this new 'belle'. However the most surprising star, Mary-Kate Olsen, playing the twisted witch, who curses the Beast. I am surprised to say that I absolutely loved her character and her acting.

The story was slow, an interesting path for the story. It was true to the original in most ways, introducing it in a high school setting. The use of Blogs, Cd's, drugs, parties, and Green ideals contributed nicely to the contemporary setting, while still paying great homage to Beauty and The Beast.

For those of you who believe you wouldn't like this movie, because its cliche or not important. Believe me when I say it is, and those of you that don't want to see it, are the ones I would encourage to see it the most. If this movie would have a Mantra, it would be "Embrace Suck", which is used as a derogatory slant toward the "ugly ones", but becomes the reason why the Main Character finds love at all.

Embrace Suck, go out and play with the cards you are dealt, but make the best of it. Love one another, create a better life for those around you, because games are more fun when you play together.

Embrace Suck, and See this movie while you are at it.

A New Path

I've been Christian, technically, all my life. More or less, however, only the past six years. However there has always felt like something was quiet right, don't get me wrong I love me some Jesus and God. Yet there is a seemingly large disconnect to the earth and the and our ability to help people. Yes, We are charged to feed, clothe and help them in any way we can. Also the charge is given that we should love our neighbor. Thats what I do. Yet there is still something missing.

The missing part came in the form of a greener world, and not greener in a renew and reuse kinda way. Greener in a Green Thumb kinda way. I have a pagan friend and we spend a lot of time comparing and contrasting our religions. More comparison than contrasting really. But, thats not the point here, its one of the things that the bible mentions subtly and its left out of the Christian Faith. There are so many parallels between Pagan and Christian faiths, that it seems silly not to explore what we can use, combine, and take away from each other to better our purposes in this life.

Pagans often burn incense, combine herbs to help heal naturally, and offer oils for the use of anointing with a fragrance and intent of pleasing the Deity. This sounds very much like magic, or Witch craft, that should "have no place in Christian world." I would contest this statement, and I offer my evidence to contrary.

First, Oils and Ointments are a part of the Christian History and the culture from which Jesus was born. When he was born the honored him with gifts of Frakincence and Myrrh. Also As Jesus did his thing, he came across Mary, who anointed and cleaned his feet with expensive oils. There are MANY references to herbs and tinctures in the bible, so why do we ignore them in our faith?

My journey from this point on, will include this "Green Magic", herbalism, herbology, or natural remedies. I think that the connection of the earth offering ways to cure that which has been spawned from natural causes, fits nicely with the Golden Rule. As long as we take care of our piece of land, our piece of land will take care of us.

Friday, March 11, 2011

End of Days

I read a recent comment amongst my five hundred friends that mentioned the end of days, and it had me riled up. I'm not totally sure why I was incited so easily by such a common comment. However, I think that I'm just tired of the catastrophizing that goes on in our nation, and in our lives. As a Psychology Major, Classics Minor, Church Elder, and Group Home Counselor, I work primarily with children, but often in the face of God and in respect to religion. My children, all of them, have a purpose in this world and I don't want to see people tell them that it’s just to live long enough to see the world as we know it come to an end.

Revelation is the book that sparks the most uproar about the end of days, and is what most people will refer to when speaking of them. However, like most of the Bible, they will make the current situation fit into a few verses that correlate. And when I say correlate I do mean loosely. If you look at one verse in the bible, its like listening to one verse, or line of a song or poem. Its equivalent to reading a paragraph from any other book and assuming you know what it’s about. It can be compared to listening to a second of the weather and planning your entire week accordingly. You just can't do it.

Revelation is such a deep and compounded book that many theologians dedicate their lives to studying and researching the book. I cannot pretend to be one of these theologians, but I have enough contextual understanding and non literalist perspective that can help me remove today's fears from the readings. However my point in this writing is to argue from a literalist point of view, which is very contrary to what I would normally do.

Revelation, after the letters to the seven churches, begins with John being invited into the spirit to see the plans that God has made. I want to interject here, it was written much like the writings of Hesiod and Ovid, very mythical and on a grand scale. Which if we stick to that comparison means that we have no idea what the true intent of God's message is here. I've heard arguments that John had no idea what he was looking at, and you would have to agree, if you agree that the end of times will be in our life time or our children's. Unless we somehow revert to living in a society with no electricity, machines, or technology...then poor john would have been scared crazy at some of the things he would have seen, I.E. Tanks, helicopters, and other war machines.

It continues with the Scroll and the Seven Seals, which invites the Four Horsemen, who are kind of cool...and also not present in our world as of late. We have war yes, we have famine yes, we don't really have pestilence, and strife...well we have that in spades.

War has existed since the dawn of time, if we thought the end of times was kicked off every time that happened, well we would have been Rapture a thousand times since then. Also the wars we have now are nothing in comparison to the ones that once existed. It was nothing for wars to last a hundred years, or destroys entire cities. Think back to our very own World Wars one and two, those were wars, albeit short wars. What we have now is a fight against a specific type of lifestyle that is a danger to us all, not any one country trying to take over many others.

Famine...let me tell you about famine...its about having a plate full of food for you and your household each night with no fear of its cleanliness and expense. Oh wait...that doesn't sound like Famine...that sounds like America. If America would get off its greedy hands and distribute the amount of food that we have, we could end world hunger. That goes also for many European countries, despite that their proportions are a third of what ours are. There are countries that exist in Famine but seeing as it is within our power to end it, I don't think that horseman is up to full power yet.

Pestilences...bubonic plague anyone? We have a handle on most of the diseases of today's times. In today's times I would argue the HIV/AIDS is probably the most dangerous and wide spread communicable disease of our time. It infects and kills close to 1% of our population. Despite seeming like a low statistic, that is an overwhelming number of people. Around 5 million people infected and killed. However 600 years ago, Europe alone lost FIFTY (50) percent of their population. I hate HIV and AIDS with a passion, but I think that a warrior of God, spreading disease would have higher rates.

Strife, as I said we have that in spades, be it in our families or churches, and even in our political arenas. We love us some strife. However, that’s because we are dumb… and sentient. We have the ability to make choices and have opinions. The Bible claims that strife will employ the wild animals of the world, which I’m fairly certain hasn’t happened in recent times. Strife or Death being the Fourth Rider has significance in and of itself, which when paired with later verses in Revelation would say that God is taking Death away from those who aren’t worthy. People still drop dead every day, we haven’t gotten there yet.

I think that the earthquake in Japan, is the point of most people’s concerns currently. I pray that they find relief, and help from those that can. However Revelation 6:12 states that “…and there came a great earthquake…” and continues to detail how we will lose the sun, the moon, and the stars. Revelation says A great earthquake. One, singular, massive. I think it would be safe to assume that when this one great earthquake comes it will rock our world…literally. Japan is in trouble, how quickly we forget Haiti, how quickly we forget Sri Lanka, how quickly we forget San Francisco and many more earthquakes that strike periodically. It’s what the earth does.

Please pray for Japan, and everyone else caught up in the pain and suffering in this world. Know that God has plans for every smile and laugh that a child can give you, and know that the End of Days has not quiet reached us. When the sun blacks out, then be scared. Till then…I’ll see you on the bright side of 2012

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Book Review: Tamora Pierce's Emperor Mage

I want to begin by saying it felt so good to have a Tamora Pierce book in my hands again, as she is my absolute favorite young adult novelist. I read a lot of YA and I'm breaking into adult fiction, so there are competing authors for my favorite author over all, but she does out rank most. I mean Borders is going out of business and I bought 10 books and 9 of them were Tamora Pierce.

This book is the third in a quartet where a girl is gifted with "wild magics" as opposed to the "Gift" that is more common and more academic. I think one of the reasons I love her books so much is that she has many series but they all take place in one of two worlds. This one takes place in the Tortall Universe, which includes Allana, Numair, and many other of her lovable characters.

In this book they venture to their neighboring country of Carthak, to start peace talks after subtle attack over the past couple of years. The talks start very nicely with everyone being a little more then cordial to everyone. However things take a turn for the worst when the Emperor Mage decides that the talks are over.

The characters were slightly weak for me, most I already knew but they had no development...the book went very fast and the only character I saw development in were Daine and Kit the Dragon. I like the characters that exist and I know that Tamora is good at characterization, but this book seemed more like a vacation away from people. Which goes with the entire theme of the series I suppose.

Lots of amazing displays of magic, and a good bit of mysticism. If you like good soft high fantasy this is a series for you. All I want to say is DINO RAMPAGE FTW!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Book to Movie Review: I am Number Four...

Ok. With the entirety of the James Frey controversy aside, I did venture to read this book. The book was good, it was a good story, with good characters, and a decent amount of fantasy and reality. Over all a good book. However the movie...yea, the movie...well it was a good movie. BUT - I had to throw my expectations out the window, after about 20 minutes.

I am known for being a purists, most of my friends don't like going to see book based movies with me, because I will scoff in the movie and rant afterward. This movie I did my best to not to do that. I already knew based of previews that they had done things and added things that weren't in the book at all. Im generally okay with a little creative liberty, but this movie essentially a new rendition of the story, separate from the book.

There were many things in the book that happened, that I was really looking forward to seeing, but were left out. This saddened me. However, I think that element was redeemed by the appearance of a lovely little Beagle named Bernie Kosar. This dog is not only friend but a dog with a lot of bite as well. I loved him in the book, and was super excited that they kept true to his character.

The characters were decent, they didn't stray to far from the true characters. Henri and John's relationship was off, but I guess the strife works better for movie characterization. I'm not sure I agree with the actor choices, other then beauty the main couple leave a lot to be desired. Diana Argon play's Sarah, she also plays Quinn in GLEE....she should stick to glee. I didn't care much for her acting in this movie.

Taking most of this into account I think it would be a great movie to go see if you haven't read the book. My friends that I saw it with, loved it, and even I enjoyed it. If you have read the book, go to see this expecting something different from the book. Convince yourself that its just a coincidence about the names of everything.


If you would like to read about the Controversy over this book please CLICK HERE

Friday, February 18, 2011

Movie Review: No Strings Attached

Part of me feels like that I may be in the minority when I say that I really enjoyed this movie. Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman play their characters very well, and the story is original. I like to think that in each of us there is a physical side and an emotional side, and love is created when we find the person that we bond wonderfully with on both levels.

In this movie the two main characters are drawn to each other over the years, and begin a purely physical relationship. Which is cool, more power to them, but its not enough for either one of them. Someone start falling for the other, and then the proverbial shit hits the fan as their comfortable boundaries become blurred.

If you like Natalie Portman's cold strong personality, she keeps it up in this movie. As does Kutcher retain his lovable idiot persona. They were both great, and seemed really into the roles.

I will say that there were ups and downs, as with most movies. I thought the movie was being dragged out and kinda dumb at one point, but toward the end there comes a climax. There is one line...one solitary line...that makes the ENTIRE movie worth watching. If your going to be love cynic, and complain about the reality of the situation please spare yourself the annoyance and save the time. However if you are a romantic of any extent, then waste the 7 dollars and go see this movie, for you won't be disappointed.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Book Review: Betrayed.

It took me longer then normal to read this book. This could have been due to school, or the aggravating switch in style that is seen in this book. I may have missed this style in Marked, just because of the novelty of the series to me. However I don't think I did. Marked was decently written with a good story and characters that could be believable. Yet Betrayed veers into a wall of annoying.

The main character Zoey, seems to have changed to me. I started reading and she had a new since of arrogance and pride, despite her resolve to be self sacrificing. It was very jarring to read her new character. I couldn't get the thought "bitchy teen girl" out of my head, or loose that voice as she narrated in my head. I am aware that P.C. Cast co-wrote this book, yet it felt like P.C. wrote the book and then handed it to her daughter saying, "make it teen like".

The book is written in first person, which means that the narration is the stream of consciousness with very little editing. A new writing...technique, for want of a better word, is added in this book. Being first person she shouldn't have the need to interject thoughts in parentheses, with in the paragraphs. (It was really annoying). The language seemed to be affected here as well. In Marked, Zoey seemed to be pretty neutral in regards to female stereotypes. It was Erin and Shaunee, two of her cohorts, who were using the stereotypical teen girl language. Yet in these moments where the author, which ever one did it, interjected her thought into her...thoughts she took on that same voice. Using "Hello" out of the context of greeting someone. Hello, thats really dumb....

With that little rant aside the book takes a turn about three quarters of the way through. It seems PC went back to her old style here, and the book renewed itself in my eyes. I was done with the series after dealing with Zoey and her thought interjection, but the end was decent enough to make me want to at least pursue the continuation of the series. It easier since I already own them all. Thanks Mom! Haha

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Book Review: Jim Butcher's Dresden Files Book 5: Death Mask

Another well done Jim Butcher novel for the win. Death Mask is not my favorite but in this novel you get more hints of a past and family Dresden may not even know about. Demons and angels are not something I often see done well. (No I didn't enjoy michael, city of angels, or insert movie) However Jim Butcher touches nicely on the idea of the Fallen and their role in this war. Throwing out names that I recognized and others I didn't, any fanatsy or myth buff will enjoy that aspect.

As a key player Susan, Harry's vampire infected love interest, returns with more wit and charm then usuall. She doesn't come alone or under good terms. I was nice to have them reunited if only briefly. She is one charcter I'm counting on returning over and over.

You get to learn more about the Knights of the Cross, and I love that entire thread of the story. One of them happens to be Atheist, which as contradictory as that may seem, is phenomenal. Each Knight has his own sword and his own history, much to the surprise of Harry. They are unique and inseparable from the story as a whole. It is vital that these figures be what they are and they are amazing characters.

My only complaint with the novel, and this could be true of most mystery based novels, that there is a pattern of sudden realization and then what seems like hasty exposition to reveal all of it. Being in first person helps to lessen some of this as you are stuck with only Harry's perspective. Which means you can't get clues he doesn't.

Many new charcters and a few old, creating an ever growing network of family and friends....and enemies. If you like personality, you will find this book and series very fulfilling.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Movie Review: Season of the Witch

A movie set in the mid 14th century it follows two knights on their journey away from the crusades, to falling back into the church's service. Reluctantly they agree to escort a young girl, who is being charged of witchcraft and seemingly scapegoated for the plague that is destroy humanity.

As the movie progresses you begin to see the girl's true nature, and it gives you bait to sway you. Is she truly evil? Or she is just a powerful and strong girl who is being accused wrongly.

I did not dis like this movie. I can't say that I loved it, and will not grace my shelves. However the movie was worth seeing at least once, and I would watch it if I were looking for something on the tele.

I think there is something to be said for the characters, despite their mild development, only one will remain with me for awhile. Kay, pronounced Kai, is a young boy who's father was a knight and that's his dream. The kid can read Latin and rock it out in both the church and on the battleground. Played by Robert Sheehan of the British television show Misfits, I instantly liked him. I missed his Irish accent, but he is still quite the capable actor.

Worth going to see.

Book Review: The Maze Runner

The maze runner opens with anticipation and keeps the suspense going through the entire book. Some parts feel rushed, and some parts seem to drag by but each part is carefully placed into a puzzle. It works for this book. You feel the pain of being trapped and the excitement of the escape.

Thomas wakes up in a box. Thats it, just him and the dark. He knows his name and thats it. With vague feelings of memories tickling his conscious he joins a ragtag group of people that are working to solve a monstrous maze. The enemy has no face, the monsters are creepy and deadly, and friends are never who they seem to be. As memories starting connecting to things, they have to fight their way into the maze and out again.

The book overall was well written, the characters are memorable, and the situation is very unique. It is a new spin on "Lord of the Flies" and takes a creates its own dystopian society very well. James Dashner crafts his world specifically to set you up in confusion, you will never know more then the main character, and thats nice.

Thomas was annoying at first, a jerk. I didn't like him but he grew on me, when took his situation and lack of access to memories into account. I felt sorry for him and proud of the person he was letting himself become. He is a fierce leader and good at what he does.

Overall the book is definite addition to any YA fan's bookshelf. I look forward to picking up the sequel. I have read that they are making a movie as well, however the director of the first Twilight movie being in charge could be a double edged sword.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Book Review: Catching up what I have read in the last weeks.

This reviews will be succinct and to the point, later reviews will have more depth and detail.

Jim Butcher is everything I want to be when I grow up. He's an amazing urban fiction story teller. He has the ability to create a world that exists under and within the very fabric of this one. Harry Dresden is self proclaimed as the only wizard in the phone book. His clients range from fairies, humans, and the occasional werewolf types. Overall if your look for mystery and or magic check this series out soon. Book one you get to see Harry hurl lightning and giant demons, and book two finds Harry shooting silver bullets. Book three opens with a little ghost buster action, and Book four Harry gets caught in the a middle of a game of chess that is much bigger then anything he has encountered prior to this. Book four finds itself to be my favorite thus far.

When Boy Meets Boy, and Boy has the same name as Boy, Boy's flip out. A charming tale of a young straight boy and young gay boy whose lives are irrevocably connected. I came to know them as Big Will and Little Will. Not because of actual size or shape, but because of personalities. Big Will experiences life with a very confident and gay best friend. Little Will is depressed and "in love" with a guy who he's never met. The story was very well crafted, leaving the characters to almost dance their way into the events with fluid change of emotions and angst.

Samhain is the main character of this wonderfully witty novel. More comfortably called Sam, the main character struggles to accept a new friends death, deal with being attacked by some crazy person, working some crappy part time job, and oh yea...he's kinda being accused of being a necromancer. He seems to know nothing about any of this and is forced in to submission by the local big bad necromancer, even though Sam has no idea about anything metaphysical. Many sects of magic are brought in to this book and play together well to create a very strong novel.

Sherman Alexie is a classic author who is studied in many classes between high school and college. It's because he has a wonderful way of twisting truth into a passionate story. Elements of Native American life tossed into the modern day crazy that our world is, Alexie allows the reader to become what they are not. A young boy going against all odds and trying to make something of himself, when everyone keeps telling him that he can't.

I begrudgingly started this book after many people in my life, namely my mother, blazed through the series. This is the same way I was tricked into reading and liking Twilight. Ill read most anything if you give me someone to talk about it with during the journey and after the end. Marked creates a parallel world, where Vampyres are marked and brought to learn how to be proper adults. Not all of them survive the painful transformation and even less know what they will do after school's out. Not a bad read, definitely should check it out if you are afraid of trusting teenage vampire novels like I am. It's safe.

A satirical novel, twisting Macbeth into a very comical and witty book. From start to finish I was chuckling at the one liners from characters like Granny Weatherwax, and Nanny Ogg. Enter Three Witches is not enough cue for the main characters of this book. Shakespeare watch out, because Terry Pratchet may entertain many more audiences with his own versions.

I read this because of the movie coming out. I didn't know of James Frye's involvement when I started. I don't know that it would have mattered prior. I liked the book, I'm not a big SciFi person but this was good. It was enough fantasy not to be to spacey alien. There were the usual; "We taught humans how to advance their civilization" but I was okay with it. The bad guys were creepy, but in a "I would have to shoot from 10 foot, because I don't want you that close to me" kinda way.

Hope you read something new because of this. These are short but my next reviews will be much longer then these, going into more detail with out revealing the main points of the plot if I can help it.

Starting to Book Review

I am a reader, and lets start with that. I love books, and want to share my love with everyone. Many of my friends are writers and readers as well, and many of them review the books they read. So this is what I'll start doing. This will be my platform, for not only books, but possibly movies, and even my own ramblings some. So stay tuned and comment when you want!