Who Am I?

I am...creative, fun, clever, sarcastic, smart, occasionally ignorant and blissfully unaware. I am a person of strong resolve and weak personal bubble. I love to speak my mind, and listen with all my being. I absorb most everything, and feel that everything is information.

I know, I feel, I hear, I listen, I sense, I understand, not everything, and not all at the same time.

Writer by trade, and Counselor by nature. I am attentive, and intuitive, both a gift and curse. I can be right, and hate to be wrong. I am the teddy bear, that will hold our secrets, and the blanket that will protect from fear.

I want change for the better, and always look for places to plant that seed. Most importantly and the bitter-sweet truth...I am Human...don't hold against me...just go with it.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Book Review: The Innocent Mage by Karen Miller

I'm not sure where to begin. This book...was interesting. Most books I read are action driven books, being young adult or a magic slinging fantasy style, I'm not used to books driven almost entirely on character. It took me FOREVER to finish this book, and actually has me a little weary to read the sequel (and there are another pair after that). In six hundred and six pages, I expected quiet a bit from prophesy, and magic...

However. This is not what happened. Asher of Restharven is the youngest son (20 years old) of a lowly fisherman who splits all profits eight ways, proportionate to seniority. He does not like this, nor does he much care for his brothers. So he sets out and to the big city to make alot of money and return to buy a boat for just him and his father. Thats cool, good start. When he gets to the city, we encounter our first action! Huzzah. Saving the prince from a bucking stallion, and earning himself a much coveted job. From this point on and the next four hundred and fifty pages, the book is focused on the mundane fashion of Asher's life and the whispered hints of his destiny spoken by two other minor characters.

When this Prophesy was first mentioned, I was excited. It sets up a great premise, however it seems that it was abandoned in the first novel. Mentioned a lot, and always saying that part of it are coming true, but never actually connecting the dots. The event that I expected to happen based on the prophesy, didn't even happen to Asher, who is blatantly called the Innocent Mage. I now feel obligated to read the second book...eventually for the sake of my own curiosity.

Being a Character drive novel, the Characters are phenomenal! I loved each of there very distinctive personalities, and they do play off each other well. The characters and their non-western wit and lingo are worth the read by themselves I think.

As a friends said, everyone is established, so perhaps there is no need to go through another five hundred pages of mundane life to get a book that is action driven.

I am not sure where I stand on this book. The last 100-200 pages were very well written, it stands to question though...if you can fight through the first two thirds of the book...

Look into it, at very least.

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