Who Am I?

I am...creative, fun, clever, sarcastic, smart, occasionally ignorant and blissfully unaware. I am a person of strong resolve and weak personal bubble. I love to speak my mind, and listen with all my being. I absorb most everything, and feel that everything is information.

I know, I feel, I hear, I listen, I sense, I understand, not everything, and not all at the same time.

Writer by trade, and Counselor by nature. I am attentive, and intuitive, both a gift and curse. I can be right, and hate to be wrong. I am the teddy bear, that will hold our secrets, and the blanket that will protect from fear.

I want change for the better, and always look for places to plant that seed. Most importantly and the bitter-sweet truth...I am Human...don't hold against me...just go with it.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Movie Review: Priest

I had my hopes set pretty low for this movie, mostly because I had absolutely no idea what this movie was about. I knew that it was an action thriller that was about vampires and vampire hunters. So I was okay with going to see it initially. Needless to say that I was thoroughly exhausted because of a recent event at church. So watching this I was very uninhibited and just went with the flow of the movie.

I want to start by saying that I had no idea that this was based off of a comic book...and when the movie went briefly comic, I was confused and just kinda ignored the situation. After researching a little bit about the original comic, I think I can safely say that the movie has absolutely nothing to do with it other then similar themes.

I don't remember any names, I'm not sure they used them. I'm not sure that this was a bad thing, I liked the non declarative nature that it represented. Karl Urban makes a great vampire.

The movie is mostly visually appealing. It isn't overly gory and the killing is creative. I loved the weapons that were used, especially the throwing stars. That said, I was really disappointed with the main guys main weapon...this decorative cross that held sentimental value. I expected him to hit a button and be wielding a blast of sun light, or at least some sort of awesome sword. However he unsheathed a three inch knife....effective but lame.

If my only complaint was the weapon, the movie is worth seeing. Just don't have expectations...of any type.

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